The development of a parent–child activity based on the principles

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Warren MANSELL, Reader in Clinical Psychology

PDF) A qualitative analysis of young people's experiences of

Client Perceptions of Helpfulness in Therapy: a Novel Video-Rating

Therapist, Parent, and Youth Perspectives of Treatment Barriers to

PDF) Experiences of adolescents and their guardians with a school

PDF) The development of a parent-child activity based on the

Differences in Dropout between Diagnoses in Child and Adolescent

PDF) The development of a parent-child activity based on the

Client Perceptions of Helpfulness in Therapy: a Novel Video-Rating

Linkers and Nonlinkers: Goal Beliefs as a Moderator of the Effects

Life Goals Matter to Happiness : A Revision of Set-Point Theory

Warren MANSELL, Reader in Clinical Psychology

Differences in Dropout between Diagnoses in Child and Adolescent

Warren MANSELL, Reader in Clinical Psychology

Therapist, Parent, and Youth Perspectives of Treatment Barriers to